Hello, It's Me


And I'm a

Hey there, I'm thrilled to welcome you to my portfolio! I'm a programming enthusiast with a particular passion for languages like Python, HTML, and more. I'm constantly improving my programming skills through learning and working on exciting projects. I'm always eager to collaborate with others and take on new projects that challenge me and push me to grow.

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About Me

Data Scientist

Hi, I'm Oktavian, a passionate learner and Informatics major at Mercu Buana University. As someone who is fascinated by the intersection of technology and innovation, I'm particularly interested in the fields of Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Web Development.

My Services

Web Development

In Web Development, I create websites and web applications using programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I am learning how to use these languages to build the front-end user interface and the back-end server-side functionality. I start by creating simple web pages working to upgrade my skills more.

Data Scientist

In Data Science, I work with large datasets to find patterns, trends, and relationships. I am in the process of learning skills like data cleaning, data exploration, data modeling, and data visualization. I use programming languages such as Python and R, as well as tools like SQL and Tableau, to manipulate and analyze data.

Data Analyst

In Data Analysis, I work with data to find insights and make informed decisions. I collect, clean, and organize data using tools like Excel, SQL, or Python. Then, I analyze the data to find patterns, trends, and relationships that can help answer business questions. I create visualizations and reports to present the findings to stakeholders.

Latest Project

Web Design

Creating a simple website design(My Portfolio).


An application to scan gym equipments

Titanic Survivor Prediction

Analyzing and predicting the survivor of Titanic.

Contact Me!